Redemption should not be tied with Markets Performance

A very simple and clear advice is to remain invested till the time your financial goal is not achieved.

Always remember that the decision of redemption should be connected to your investment objectives and not to market levels.

Fund Managers best to manage your money in such scenario

As a mutual fund investor, it is best not to worry about the market levels. Analyzing market trends and investing money accordingly is the fund manager’s job. When markets are at their peak, the need to redeem shouldn’t cross your mind. Fund managers are supposed to understand market trends better, sell the overvalued stocks and then deploy money as and when markets offer investment opportunities.

Your fund manager may have booked profits on investment and is now waiting for the next suitable opportunity for further investment. Therefore, it is probably better to hold for a while before taking the next step. Fund Managers spend most of their time in research, meeting with company promoters to understand their strategy and business plans which could have an impact on the performance of stocks or markets. In short, your fund managers are potentially in a much better position in understanding markets trends.

There is also a possibility of you not be able to reinvest your redeemed money and may lose out on opportunity which does not happen if you let the Fund Manager manage your money.

Investors who have profitable investments in hands due to recent highs in the markets and now thinking on redemption. We have a question for you! Will you able to be catch a good investment opportunity in the current market especially when interest rates on savings and fixed deposits are falling? Therefore, our advice is continuing your investments with this profit till the time you have not achieved your financial goal.

Redeem only if you have achieved your investment goal!

You may have two reasons for redemption. Either you are worried about the markets levels (markets are at all-time high so may fall down and better book some profit) or you have met your financial goal, investment objective.

If you are looking to book profits then, as we have explained earlier it is better the fund manager do that job.

In second case, if you have achieved your financial goal then you can redeem now. You can spend your profitable investment to fulfill your financial goal like higher education, marriage etc, thanks to outstanding markets performance. Now you can enjoy benefits of long term investments!

One of the best way to redeem your investment is by starting a Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP), by doing this you will minimize the risk of redeeming all your money on one day.

To conclude, if you have achieved your investment objective then you can set a new financial goal and start your next long term investment association with markets. If you have not achieved your financial goal, then you should continue with your investments till the time you have not achieved investment objective.

Remain a long term investor to make the most of your investment!

Can Blockchain Technology Effect The Genomics Industry?

Most of the time, Blockchain technology is considered with cryptocurrencies like bitcoins, Litecoin, Ethereum, EOS, etc. However, that’s not the case today!In fact, the blockchain has become a different industry with an aim to protect and secure all types of data. very different. The past few years were really very exciting for traders with blockchain technology all over the world.Many companies worldwide in different industries integrated their data with blockchain, which in return gave them better results before their expectations.However, one industry that gained significant adhesion by implementing blockchain technology is the Genomic Data Industry. Yes, the industry that keeps the account of our DNA! Not only ours, i.e, humans, but all the species over the world. Many of the intellectual minds in our societies would think it okay with the technological progression; some would say that governments are preparing to control us, our minds.While many of you would be reading for the first time about the genomic industry!It is true that no technology comes without impacts or effects. But, is the storing of DNA data in the blockchain is correct or not is still an unanswered question.Therefore, I being in the IT and software industry decided to write this blog, “Can Blockchain Technology Effect The Genomics Industry?”NOTE: There are chances you might not conclude anything, but the confluence of blockchain & genome is a must-read.Let’s start and see the height of our medical researchers and software world!

Genomics And The Growth Of Technology

The demand of blockchain technology is high in every industry. And the genomic industry can’t neglect the fact that medical science and healthcare data industry need some secure place to store the results of their studies.That shows the importance of blockchain and its nature to store data.Conversely, the main question is why there is a need to store DNA data? If we go by the reports, the global Genomics industry by 2022 can reach to $24 billion market size that was $15 billion in 2017.Medical research on breaking the DNA code, programming DNA to make superhumans, and understanding our existence for betterment can be some reason that gave a sudden boom and heightened the interest in Genomes.As a result, many start-up companies are entering this market and are investing millions of money!23andMe (A genetic service provider) is one top-level genome testing company in USA with its major focus on collecting, analyzing, experimenting and synthesizing human genomic data.Roughly around two years ago, the company via Sequoia Capital raised a whopping amount of $250 million investment in the genomic industry.This much amount of money in DNA is enough to assume that in the coming ten years, we will see some historic breakthrough. Let’s face it as a positive side in the medical study!But, a large mob of people is against this DNA data collection and DNA study. Following which many genetic service provider companies are facing problems!

Data Policies & DNA Testing Companies

23andMe has been facing a backlash over its absolute data privacy policies.In June 2018, The Federal Trade Commission announced its investigation on many well-known DNA testing companies. The investigation though revealed data sharing with third parties, nothing happened, and everything remained on the paper with no action being taken.“In the investigation, 23andMe and were also in the list of well-known companies.”On the other hand, where 23andMe is selling data for millions of dollars, customers are receiving nothing. This shows the breach and violation of data privacy.Given such unfairness and the increasing demand for this particular data, several promising start-ups are putting their entrepreneurial skills to protect users’ privacy and providing financial incentives for sharing it with researchers.It is a well-established fact, that our data is being taken for medical studies. More importantly, it is being transferred to others without our permission.What if the DNA studies, the genomic data gets hacked? I mean what if it falls in the wrong hands? This is a serious cybersecurity measure question.And blockchain technology is currently at the top when it comes to storing data securely and unhacked.

How Blockchain Is Impacting Genome Industry?

The genomic industry, companies like 23andMe, Illumina, Encrypgen (DNA), Luna DNA, Nebula Genomics, etc. use blockchain technology. Last year Encrypgen launched the world’s first public genomic data platform “Gene-Chain,” where consumers can securely upload & store their and their family’s genomic data for the benefit of a medical study.Furthermore, the user has all rights and freedoms to sell their data intentionally in exchange for money to the medical researchers. Here, researchers are data buyers who use their DNA tokens and give money to the users.Also, the last year in the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, Luna DNA’s DNA platform qualified to offer the share amount of money to the owner. Therefore, the Luna DNA became a major health data contributors.You might feel that this is a good option to give data and get money. However, it doesn’t look like that. It is because the money comes to you directly in cryptocurrencies like BTC and FIAT.Remember, we told you blockchain supports cryptocurrencies! Right from the start of data to money, everything is in favor of blockchain, genomic service providers, and blockchain.“Finally, is blockchain really impacting the genomics industry or we are being let unknown what really is going on with DNA.” My job ends here, I hope I created an interest in you to read more about the genome and blockchain before you make a conclusion by yourself.You can also write us down in the comment section below to discuss more about this topic. Otherwise, you can let us know something new related to this confluence of Genomes and Blockchain.I’ll be glad to write more about this!

For Beauty Pursuer – Exosome Therapy Help to Remove Wrinkles

Wrinkles are always a big enemy of all beauty pursuer. In order to maintain young, many people spend every penny to take care of their skin by buying various skin care products, such as antioxidants, retinoids, and peptides, which are advertised to have the effect of protecting or repairing the skin.

There are even more and more people who choose to inject dermal fillers. Autologous fat or collagen is a relatively safe filling material, but these are difficult to achieve, and it is difficult for these materials to penetrate into the dermis. Thus, the effect of injection usually lasts only a few months. Moreover, frequent injections can also cause a lot of pain.

Exosomes are small vesicles (30-150nm in diameter) containing complex RNA and proteins, mainly derived from multivesicular bodies formed by intracellular lysosomal microsomes. They have received extensive attention in recent years due to its function of mediating cell-to-cell communication and regulating the characteristics of target cells. For example, exosomes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells can significantly reduce the expression levels of matrix metalloproteinases and senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal), while increasing the expression level of collagen in human dermal fibroblasts.

The human epidermis is 50-120 microns thick and the epidermis-dermal thickness is 2−5 mm. Topical treatment of exosomes can reach the epidermis and be absorbed by the human skin. However, efficiency is largely limited due to its poor ability to penetrate the stratum corneum.

Needle-free syringes have been widely used for anesthesia and vaccination due to their safety and efficacy, especially for patients with needle phobia. A needle-free syringe can easily deliver phospholipid vesicles to the skin and can be used as a cosmetic device for exosomal delivery.

This kind of exosome therapycan be traced back to researchers at North Carolina State University who published a research in the ACS Nano journal. The study found that treatment of human skin cells with exosomes of stem cells increased collagen levels and made the cells younger; more importantly, they developed a needle-free device of exosomes therapy, using air jets to deliver the drug into deeper layers of the skin, which can reduce wrinkles caused by exposing to UV light.

In the study, the researchers exposed mice to UVB light for 8 weeks, which accelerated aging and led to wrinkles. The researchers applied exosomes of human skin fibroblasts to certain mice using needle-free syringes. After three weeks, the treated mice showed significantly finer, lighter wrinkles than untreated mice or mice receiving topical retinoic acid, a standard anti-aging drug. Exosomes-treated mice had thicker skin, more collagen as well as less inflammation than the untreated groups.

“This study shows the potential of exosomes in anti-aging treatments,” says a senior scientist in Creative Biolabs, a company providing comprehensive, end-to-end exosome services to support exosome applications in diagnostics and novel therapeutics development. “People can use exosome production developed from donated skin cells from anyone. What’s more, the treatment can also be operated without needles, since exosomes are small particles that can be transported by jet injection.”