Pros And Cons Of A Career In Human Resource Management

Deciding on your career can take time and effort. You can choose many career paths, but human resources management is one of the most exciting options. This field has many pros and cons that you should be aware of before deciding. In this blog post, we will discuss the good and bad aspects of a career in human resources management.

Roles of the Human Resource Department
The human Resource department plays a crucial role in every organization. Their primary roles are:
Recruitment and hiring
Training and development
Employer-employee relations
Maintaining company culture
Managing employee benefits
Creating a safe work environment
Handling disciplinary actions
Let’s discuss these roles in brief.

Recruitment and Hiring
The HR department works closely with the organization’s authorities to analyze employees’ requirements and needs. They create a proper recruiting strategy for job postings, screening, interviews, shortlisting, etc.

If you are a person who is looking for a Human Resource Management job in India, then make sure to have proper knowledge and skills related to this field.

Training and Development
The role of HR is much more than it seems to be, as they don’t only hire employees. Instead, they also work on their pieces of training and development. As thes candidate goes through training, they might become more productive for the organization, which will significantly benefit the employer. In comparison, the employees feel more satisfied and valued by their organization. This can also be helpful for the employer and employees.

Employer-employee Relations
HR acts as a bridge between the employer and employees of an organization. The HR department can be regarded as the communicator or mediator responsible for maintaining a strong and healthy relationship between the employer and employees.
By studying for an MBA in Human Resource Management at Hindustan Online – CODE, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage a team of employees. You will learn how to identify talent, assess training needs and implement strategies to motivate staff. Additionally, you will develop the ability to negotiate salaries and benefits packages, as well as resolve conflicts within the workplace. These skills are essential for any HR manager looking to progress in their career.

Maintain Company Culture
Maintaining company culture may include hiring practices, strong employee relations, and ongoing development.
While you seek a job in an organization, you will find that the HR would make you aware and familiar with the organization’s norms, values and vision so that you can stick to it and maintain its culture.

Manage Employee Benefits
Every organization has a different employer benefit program, but the organization’s HR is responsible for managing the benefits of the employees.

Create a Safe Work Environment
Your emotional and physical safety are both the responsibilities of HR. The Human Resource Management department tries to ensure that the employees are safe and well-protected from harassment, intimidation, discrimination, and exploitation.

Handle Disciplinary Actions
Suppose you are thinking of making a career in Human Resource Management. In that case, you need to be smart enough to handle all situations without stressing over them. The HR department is also responsible for handling sensitive and delicate matters like terminations and disciplinary procedures.

Career, Jobs, and Payscale in Human Resource Management
In the 21st century, Human Resource Management plays a vital role in every organization. It is a great career option for the ones who like to recruit, hire, and screen employees. If you are a person who can understand and communicate things better between the employees and the employer, then you can be a great Human Resource Manager.

To make a career in Human Resource Management, you need skills like good communication, leadership qualities, decision-making, problem-solving, teamwork, empathy, active listening, emotional intelligence, adaptability, and interpersonal skills.

Various career options are mentioned below:
Chief HR officer
HR Consultant
Human Resource Manager/ Director
Training and Development Manager
International Human Resource Manager
Executive Recruiter
HR Analytics Specialist
Labour Relations Manager
Employment Manager
Compensation and Benefits Manager

When you begin a job in the HR department, you can enjoy having a good package. In India, the Human Resources management salary ranges between 3 lakhs to 18 lakhs. If you have the right degree, knowledge, and skills, no one can stop you from growing in this field.

Pros and Cons of Being in the HR department
Like every other field, the HR department has its pros and cons. So, let’s know about some of them.
Helps in more robust onboarding
Secure top talents
Improves the relationship between employees and employer
Helps in saving time and energy
Manages the overall company culture
Looks after the Performance Management System
Enhances organizational effectiveness
Motivates employees
Handles queries and disputes
Improves human resources planning
Conflicts of opinions
Higher competition
Lack of adaptability
Lower recognition value

The HR department has been a most lucrative career option, and the reason behind this is the good Human Resources Management payscale. If you aspire to a career in the HR Department, prepare yourself with the skills required. Choosing to study an MBA in Human Resource Management at Hindustan Online – CODE means that you will benefit from the support of a team of experienced and qualified faculty members.
You will also have access to our state-of-the-art facilities, which include a well-equipped library and computer lab. Therefore, if you are looking for a program that will give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in today’s competitive business world, an MBA in Human Resource Management from Hindustan Online – CODE is the right choice.

Male Organ Skin Discoloration: Is Vitiligo the Cause?

Many men have questions concerning male organ skin discoloration, mostly those who notice that there is some variation in color across their members, or that their male organs are a different color than the rest of their bodies. These cases are not unusual and are generally natural and harmless. But for some men, male organ discoloration occurs in the form of vitiligo, a condition that causes patches of skin to lose pigmentation and turn white or lighter than the surrounding skin. Does this affect male organ health? What can men do about it? The following information on vitiligo can help men get their bearings.

What is it?

Vitiligo occurs when cells in the body that normally produce skin color, called melanocytes, either stop working properly or die. Some people also experience the lightening effect on their hair and eyeballs, not just the skin. The causes of vitiligo are poorly understood, but the following are believed to be potential sources:

• Heredity
• Immune system dysfunction in which it attacks melanocytes
• Stress
• Sunburn
• Exposure to chemicals

The condition affects individuals differently. Some people have many affected body parts; others may have only one body part or side of the body affected; still others may have the condition on a few nearby parts. Sometimes, the condition progresses rapidly; sometimes it goes on for many years; other times, it stops after a year or two. It’s rare for pigmentation to return.

Is it dangerous?

Yes and no. The white patches cause no physical harm. However, people with vitiligo may be more at risk for sunburn, skin cancer, hearing loss and eye issues. It’s important to keep affected skin protected from the sun. Finally, social and psychological distress may occur as people often feel self-conscious about the effects of the condition.

Is there a cure?

No. There is currently no way to revive melanocytes or make them begin to produce pigment again.

Are there ways to manage it?

Yes, although many of them come with side effects.

A simple at-home management strategy that some people with vitiligo use is a topical self-tanner or makeup to conceal the lightened skin. For men with male organ vitiligo, their skin may be too sensitive for this option – not to mention, it might interfere with sensual activities.

Corticosteroid creams can alleviate some of the lightening; however, they tend to make skin thinner over time, and can cause lines to form on the skin.

Immune system medications are sometimes used. These medicines may increase a person’s risk of skin cancer and lymphoma.

Some people are treated with ultraviolet light. Again, for the male organ, this may be too harsh, as the treatment can cause dryness and itchiness on less delicate skin.

These are only some of the common treatments used in the management of vitiligo. Men and their doctors should discuss the risks associated with any option before choosing to try it. Also discuss alternative medicine options, including ginko biloba, folic acid and vitamin B-12.

How will it affect a man’s sensual life?

One factor determining the answer to this question is a man’s own self-consciousness. If he has anxiety about exposing his male organ to a partner, he’s bound to have a more difficult sensual life.

Speaking openly about the condition can help partners feel at ease about sensual activity. While there’s no reason for men to feel ashamed or embarrassed about the condition, most people don’t know what it is and potential sensual partners are bound to have questions. Approaching these with knowledge and information will help. If a partner has further concerns, he or she can easily access information from reputable sites online.

Optimal skin care

Given the side effects of many vitiligo management options, men may find it best to simply accept their male organs as they are. Maintaining good skin condition is important, and whether a man has vitiligo or not, he would do well to invest in skin care, particularly if he has dry skin. And the male organ is not immune to this, as many men know. Employing a quality male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will provide moisture as well as nutrients that support good circulation and nerve health. A better look and feel can be attained with Man1 Man Oil. Remember, healthy skin is what counts, regardless of its color(s).

Visit for additional information on most common male organ health issues, tips on improving organ sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy member. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Top 5 Checks While Comparing Mutual Funds

It’s a challenge to choose a mutual fund scheme! The number of mutual fund schemes available in the market would drive any investor insane to zero down on a mutual fund of his/her choice. There is an endless list of checks necessary to be done before arriving at the one mutual fund scheme that meets your requirements and has potential to give decent returns.

Below are the various checks to keep in mind while comparing mutual funds:

Know your fund house:
Choosing a fund house in which you have sufficient faith to invest your money in is important before zeroing in on a scheme of your choice. Investors look for fund houses which can take care of their investments and can manage their money well. Objectives set by fund houses help investors to meet their goals thus securing their future. If the objectives are not met, investors lose faith in the fund house. A budding investor should ask these important questions like, “What are the fund houses’ investment objectives?”, and “How many schemes does the fund house offer to its investors?”, “Are the funds similar under different names?”, “Does the fund make sense to me?” It is equally important to know how the fund manager manages the funds under him/her. One needs to ascertain how schemes have performed during various market cycles managed by the fund manager. A good fund manager is not only important for the fund house but also for an investor.

Fund philosophy:
The next important check is to know the philosophy of the fund house. A set of guiding principles that inform and shape an individual’s investment decision-making process is termed as the philosophy of the fund. The fund house’s investment philosophy plays an important role in determining the performance of its funds in different market conditions. The selection of the funds, investment decisions are directly dependent on the fund philosophy.

Charges and fees:
An Asset Management Company (AMC) that spends on the upkeep of a mutual fund is measured as the expense ratio of a fund. The fees of the advisor, record-keeping, legal expenses, accounting, auditing fees etc. are what make up an expense ratio. Higher churning of portfolio leads to higher costs. It is an expense borne by the investor and is deducted from the investment. For example, if you have invested Rs. 100 and the expense ratio of the fund is 1.25, then your investment is Rs. 98.75. Lower expense ratio means that higher amount is available for investment.

In today’s world it is very important to maintain a good relationship with the customers, and to maintain a good relationship, there has to be a high level of transparency. This holds true even for mutual funds, as all mutual funds disclose the stocks they buy etc., through factsheets SEBI’s new rule, instituted October 1 2016, requires asset management companies to disclose all commissions paid to distributors in the Half-Yearly Consolidated Account Statements (CAS) they send to investors, all this in an effort to bring more transparency into the system.

It is only when SEBI brought the commission disclose rule that we have started paying trail commission to distributors in the Regular Plan effective April 1,2017 by letting you, our investor, know exactly where your money is going and that its serving your interests first.

So when it comes to long term wealth generation that puts the investor first, it may make sense to invest in a fund which focuses on transparency and controlling costs – rather than investing in a typical high-cost mutual fund that consciously uses big ads to attract your money!

The last factor is return on investments. All the above factors are major drivers behind the performance of the funds. There are many other factors which have direct and indirect impact on performance of the funds; however, we have discussed the major factors above.

Moreover, it is important to understand that the performance of the funds can change over a period of time (positively as well as negatively), however, its philosophy, ethics, investment strategy are the main pillars. Don’t just only compare the performance of the fund in isolation.

To conclude, sound knowledge and research is very important before choosing a mutual fund to park your hard earned money. Following all the above steps might help you take right decision. However, you may consult your financial advisor before taking any investment related decision.