Wrinkles are always a big enemy of all beauty pursuer. In order to maintain young, many people spend every penny to take care of their skin by buying various skin care products, such as antioxidants, retinoids, and peptides, which are advertised to have the effect of protecting or repairing the skin.
There are even more and more people who choose to inject dermal fillers. Autologous fat or collagen is a relatively safe filling material, but these are difficult to achieve, and it is difficult for these materials to penetrate into the dermis. Thus, the effect of injection usually lasts only a few months. Moreover, frequent injections can also cause a lot of pain.
Exosomes are small vesicles (30-150nm in diameter) containing complex RNA and proteins, mainly derived from multivesicular bodies formed by intracellular lysosomal microsomes. They have received extensive attention in recent years due to its function of mediating cell-to-cell communication and regulating the characteristics of target cells. For example, exosomes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells can significantly reduce the expression levels of matrix metalloproteinases and senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-Gal), while increasing the expression level of collagen in human dermal fibroblasts.
The human epidermis is 50-120 microns thick and the epidermis-dermal thickness is 2−5 mm. Topical treatment of exosomes can reach the epidermis and be absorbed by the human skin. However, efficiency is largely limited due to its poor ability to penetrate the stratum corneum.
Needle-free syringes have been widely used for anesthesia and vaccination due to their safety and efficacy, especially for patients with needle phobia. A needle-free syringe can easily deliver phospholipid vesicles to the skin and can be used as a cosmetic device for exosomal delivery.
This kind of exosome therapycan be traced back to researchers at North Carolina State University who published a research in the ACS Nano journal. The study found that treatment of human skin cells with exosomes of stem cells increased collagen levels and made the cells younger; more importantly, they developed a needle-free device of exosomes therapy, using air jets to deliver the drug into deeper layers of the skin, which can reduce wrinkles caused by exposing to UV light.
In the study, the researchers exposed mice to UVB light for 8 weeks, which accelerated aging and led to wrinkles. The researchers applied exosomes of human skin fibroblasts to certain mice using needle-free syringes. After three weeks, the treated mice showed significantly finer, lighter wrinkles than untreated mice or mice receiving topical retinoic acid, a standard anti-aging drug. Exosomes-treated mice had thicker skin, more collagen as well as less inflammation than the untreated groups.
“This study shows the potential of exosomes in anti-aging treatments,” says a senior scientist in Creative Biolabs, a company providing comprehensive, end-to-end exosome services to support exosome applications in diagnostics and novel therapeutics development. “People can use exosome production developed from donated skin cells from anyone. What’s more, the treatment can also be operated without needles, since exosomes are small particles that can be transported by jet injection.”