The force of blood exerted against the blood vessel walls is called blood pressure. The blood is pumped by the heart to all organs in your body through the blood vessels. If the blood pressure becomes high, it is very dangerous. Continuous hypertension hardens the blood vessels and causes various diseases like kidney disease, stroke and even heart failure. It is necessary to maintain BP level between 80 and 120. If it is over 120, you will be suffering from pre-hypertension. If the BP level is more than 140, you are suffering from high blood pressure. Causes of high blood pressure include stress, sleep apnea, older age, being overweight, smoking, chronic kidney disease, family history of hypertension, genetics, too much intake of alcohol, thyroid disorders and lack of physical activity.
How to reverse high blood pressure naturally is by reducing salt in your foods and practicing exercises regularly. You need to consume foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium and should reduce intake of fatty foods. It is also necessary to stop or control intake of birth control pills. Lots of allopathic remedies are available in the market to reverse high blood pressure. However, most of such remedies cause harm to your body with irreversible side effects. So, you need to choose the right herbal remedies to reduce hypertension naturally without any side effects.
Stresx capsules are one of the best herbal remedies available in the market to reverse high blood pressure without any fear of side effects. These consist of powerful herbs that can boost functioning of your heart and can reduce hypertension naturally. Regular intake of Stresx capsules also offers effective cure for sleeplessness, anxiety, stress and fatigue. These safeguard your cardiovascular system and heart and boost your energy levels. These strengthen your heart and improve its ability to pump more blood. In addition, these also control irregular heartbeat.
What are the key ingredients in Stresx capsules?
Its key ingredients include Champa, Ganjwan, Sudh Shilajit, Brahmi, Kesar, Gul Chandni, Tuj, Jadwar, Kahu, Elaichi Choti, Chotachand, Aam, Jyotishmati, Safed Musli, Vacha, Ashwagandha, Moti Bhasma, Ajwain, Shankpushpi and Arjun.
Usage Instructions: You need to consume one Stresx capsule daily two times with plain water for three to four months to reverse high blood pressure.
Where to Buy Stresx capsules?
This herbal supplement is available at online stores. You can place order for this herbal supplement in the denomination of 240, 180, 120 and 300 capsules. You can also benefit from free shipping to your doorstep.
These herbal pills are safe and free from chemicals and additives. So, you can consume this herbal supplement regularly without any fear of side effects.
Ashwagandha plays a vital role to reduce blood pressure. It also reduces blood sugar levels.
Sudh Shilajit consists of over 85 types of minerals in ionic form and antioxidants. It has anti-disease properties. It offers effective cure for anemia, kidney stones, obesity, stress, nervous disorders, digestive disorders, jaundice, thyroid dysfunction and epilepsy.
You are advised to practice walking, pushups, etc., daily and consume healthy diet.